Winter Update 2021
We are fast approaching the first anniversary of COVID 19 reaching Northern Ireland. The last year can be described in many ways, unique being one, and I like many of you, have never experienced this before.
This time last year, face coverings and hand sanitizers were not essential commodities however, it appears the use of both will be normal practice for months and possibly years ahead. We have now adjusted, and will continue to do so for the greater good of all.
The current lockdown is having a very different impact on us all, the weather is harsher, the nights have been longer and we are limited as to what we can do. However, it is gratifying to see a stretch in the hours of daylight and so many of you using the club grounds for daily walks and having the opportunity to meet fellow members and friends in a safe environment.
By now, I am sure many members have embarked on the vaccination programme, hopefully this will lead to the easing of restrictions.
We are still working towards having our AGM as soon as it is safe to do so. I thank you all for your patience and continuing support.
It is great to see the mouth of the Sixmile River dredged, I hope this will pave the way for a successful sailing season as soon as restrictions allow.
Planning permission has come through for club refurbishment, and I look forward to work commencing in the very near future.
I have had requests for clear up days (socially distanced); a date will be confirmed at the beginning of March when the weather starts to improve. Additional work is required, due to state of some of the grass verges on the lane. Confirmation of the schedule will be posted on the News page of our website.
Congratulations to the Atlantic Challenge team on the construction of their new boat shelter, it is aesthetically pleasing and a job extremely well done.
I am available at the club most Saturday afternoons if any of you wish to raise any issues, alternatively you can contact any evening after 6pm or anytime on Saturdays and Sundays on 07801527958.
In the meantime, keep safe and stay well.
Commodore. Antrim Boat Club